The CPMB staff review the transcript and if the convictions are for crimes that may be exempted, the CPMB sends an exemption notification letter to the applicant or licensee and to the individual. If the individual has a criminal history, DOJ sends a criminal record transcript to CPMB showing arrests and convictions.

If the individual has no criminal history, DOJ forwards a clearance notice to the applicant or licensee and to the CPMB. When an individual submits fingerprints, the California Department of Justice (DOJ) conducts a criminal history check. A criminal record exemption is a CDSS-authorized written document that "exempts" the individual from the requirement of having a criminal record clearance. If an individual has been convicted of a crime other than a minor traffic violation, the individual cannot work or be present in any community care facility unless he/she receives a criminal record exemption from the Care Provider Management Bureau (CPMB). The California Health and Safety Code requires a background check of all community care license applicants, community care licensees, adult residents, volunteers under certain conditions and employees of community care facilities who have contact with clients.